Sunday, April 9, 2017


Jessica Martinez's VIRTUOSITY is a wondrous tale of music, love, choices and heartbreak. It is a story of two star-crossed people --- in a way, because they are both competing for something they both want. Carmen and Jeremy are both violinists; and both are competing to win the prestigious Guarneri Violin Competition. The novel talks about not only about the quest of the both characters in the competition and their romance, but also gives the reader a look into the reality of performing arts -- the dark secrets -- the bad side of it.

Truth to be told, I was a very excited to read this particular novel. Since I am a musician myself, I tend to like novels which incorporates music -- classical music, even! Although, at the back of my excitement, I am also afraid that the book might disappoint me. Fortunately, it did not! It is one exciting, emotional and stunning read!

One thing, and perhaps the best thing, I liked about this novel is that it's not just about the romance. The book is more than that. It talks about how it is to live in the world of performing arts. The book, through the characters, shows their struggles, failures, successes and persistence. Furthermore, it talks about the struggle of many musicians experience -- how to balance relationships with career. In the book, one can read the struggle Carmen had to face in balancing her career as a Grammy winning violinist with her romance with Jeremy.

Second thing I like about this novel is the portrayal of the role of parents in the journey of musicians, especially prodigies. In the novel, we can see how Carmen's mother is very very concern about her career that somehow she forgot to be a mother to  Carmen. The novel gives lesson to parents in a way, as well.

Fun fact is that this novel is Jessica Martinez's debut novel. This is a bit surprising since the writing of the novel is very well done. I found the book very comprehensible and not hard to read at all.

Over-all, I think VIRTUOSITY is a book I'd recommend to everyone -- musicians or non-musicians. It is a story of making the right choices, balancing career with relationships and lastly, finding your own path to become what you've always wanted to be. Everyone will find themselves in this novel.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! It sounds like this book can appeal to different kinds of readers not just those interested in music. I think it is important for stories to be versatile enough to appeal to multiple readers. Texts with a singular audience could not be classified as YA lit because YA lit considers the experience of every reader. It tries to find a theme or experience that young readers can identify with.
