Saturday, April 22, 2017

                                             Image result for kamala khan ms marvel
Ms. Marvel by Wilson Miyazawa and Leon Alphona

Here Kamala, balancing both her love life, school life and superhero life. Can she do it all and pass science class? But wait! What about her family? Will she manage to attend all of her brother's wedding events, or bail and save the city? Read along on this bumpy ride!

This comic book is an exciting read, it involves comedy, adventure, romance, hardship, ease, a gist of religion and the many struggles that come along of being a young teenager. Kamala the main character is a superhero who needs to first save her reputation of being a good superhero who helps fight crime and to take down evil suits who are ruining the town and taking over places to live. She is strong, selfless, hardworking and the many situations she goes through and keeps up with her real life is a lot to handle. She agrees to keep up her grades and fight crime but there are a lot of setbacks coming her way.

The book is perfect for a classroom usage as it involves a lot of thrill, SciFi and the ability to learn about every character and the themes relating to the story. Kamala is a perfect exmaple of the teenage life balancing school, relating to finding someone she likes, her grades and the struggles of growing up. Students can be able to relate and understand each character and how each event can relate to them in different ways. It also discusses culture and religion and shows the differences between the two and how it is it not meant to be mixed. Other students who are an artist can enjoy the details and become inspired to draw different types of pictures.It relates to Muslims who don't often read stories or books about their religion beliefs and reading someone who is Muslim and balancing the American life is relatable to them.  Overall it was a fun read and those who enjoy comic books will surely enjoy it and those who do not read them will find the joy to read this one.

Here are more comic books to read from:

Some fun facts about Kamala Khan:

Importance of Kamala Khan:

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